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Wojo's Dispatch

The Richard Huck Legion Spirit Award

By Michael L. Wojciechowski

Since 2011, American Legion Post 42 Evanston has honored an American Legion or Son of the Legion member with the Richard Huck Spirit Award.  It’s named in honor of former Post Commander Richard Huck who was the only Commander to have died while serving in office.

The award is given annually in conjunction with the St. Patrick’s Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner. The recipients are all outstanding members at Post 42 and are very active in the events that the Post hosts and their level of participation in volunteering is exceptional throughout the year.


Former recipients are typically either current Post officers or past officers and know exactly what it takes to be a Huck Spirit Award recipient.

The current Commander and past commanders meet to discuss the submissions of potential recipients from within the Post membership and come to a consensus to whom the Award is to be bestowed upon.

The recipient’s family, friends, and members of the Post are in attendance to hear their work history, Post activism, and the military background of the honoree.

Each recipient’s name is installed on the Huck Spirit Award Plaque mounted on the wall in the Hall for all to see. In conclusion of the ceremony, the recipient removes the tape covering their name as part of the ceremony.

Each Huck Spirit Award recipient becomes a member of an elite group of members that share a common bond of excellence not often equaled to the rest of the Post membership. Their leadership is an example for other post members to try and excel to despite no matter how many years they are members or their age.

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