Joining the SAL
The Sons of the American Legion (SAL) began nearly a century ago, in 1932. The mission of the SAL is to support veterans and their families and the policies of our parent organization, The American Legion. Virtually everything that involves the SAL could be grouped under three areas: support for veterans and their families; promoting patriotism and Americanism; and promoting programs which benefit the youth of our country.
Here at Squadron 42, we actively support our Post and engage our community with annual events such as the Music Fest in June and the Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser in November. We can always use more support throughout the year. Your participation serves our veterans.
Eligibility for the SAL, as stated by our National charter includes all boys and men whose fathers, mothers, grandfathers or grandmothers who served honorably in any of the armed forces branches, dating back as far as WW1.